Essential English Skills and English Proficiency Assessment
About this course
This course aims to diagnose students’ English language abilities and skills and contains two English Proficiency Assessments (EPA) and a set of materials related to developing better listening, reading, and writing skills.
Once payment has been made, we seek your understanding that no refunds will be allowed.
Course Access Period
Please note that this is an online self-paced asynchronous course where learners will be granted 2 months of access from the enrolment date. To meet assessment requirements, learners must complete all assessments within 1 month (30 days) from the enrolment date. Failure to do so will result in not meeting assessment requirements.
Do also note that the course tile may take up to 48 hours to appear on the dashboard after purchase, access period will commence once the online self-paced asynchronous course is made accessible.
What you will learn
On completion of this course, you will be able to:
Writing Skills 1: What is Academic Writing?
- Unit 1
- recognise the purpose of academic writing
- understand and identify the fundamental characteristics of academic writing
- draft assignments that display the fundamental characteristics of academic writing
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
- Unit 2
- identify the basic components of a piece of academic writing
- recognise the need to plan a piece of academic writing
- apply appropriate methods for planning a piece of academic writing
- understand how to start a piece of academic writing and employ the appropriate procedure
- Unit 3
- recognise the need to consider the audience in academic writing
- recognise the need to consider the purpose of a piece of academic writing
- analyse a writing task to determine purpose
- understand how audience and purpose affect the choice of content in academic writing
- apply considerations of audience and purpose to present appropriate content in your writing
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
- Unit 4
- identify and understand two common methods of organisation in academic writing: problem-solution and general- specific
- recognise the fundamental characteristics of organisation in academic writing
- organise and draft a piece of academic writing effectively
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
Writing Skills 2: Academic Writing Style & Vocabulary
- Unit 5
- recognise the fundamental characteristics of each of the English tense
- understand the purpose of English tenses in academic writing
- identify when particular English tenses are used in academic writing
- choose and employ English tenses appropriately in your academic writing
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
- Unit 6
- recognise the need for an appropriately formal style in academic writing
- identify and understand some of the common errors in formal style
- avoid common errors in formal style
- choose an appropriate style and apply it to your writing
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
- Unit 7
- recognise the need for appropriately formal vocabulary in academic writing
- identify and understand some of the common errors in vocabulary in academic writing
- avoid common errors in the choice of vocabulary
- choose appropriate vocabulary and apply it to your writing
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
- Unit 8
- recognise the purpose of coherence in academic writing
- recognise and understand coherence techniques in academic writing
- understand how coherence techniques are used in academic writing
- avoid common errors in coherence
- choose appropriate coherence techniques and apply them to your writing
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
- Unit 9
- recognise the purpose of cohesion in academic writing
- recognise and understand how cohesion is used in academic writing
- avoid common errors in cohesion
- choose appropriate cohesion methods and apply them to your writing
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
Writing Skills 3: Spelling & Punctuation in Academic Writing
- Unit 10
- recognise the need for accuracy and consistency of spelling in academic writing
- identify and understand the purpose of particular features of English punctuation in academic writing
- understand how to use particular features of English punctuation in academic writing
- avoid common errors in punctuation
- choose appropriate spelling and punctuation and apply them to your writing
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
- Unit 11
- recognise the purpose and importance of referencing in academic writing
- identify and understand the purpose of particular features of referencing in academic writing
- understand how referencing methods are used in academic writing
- avoid common errors in referencing
- choose appropriate referencing method and apply them to your writing
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
- Unit 12
- recognise of the purpose of the AWL
- recognise the importance of the AWL for academic writing
- recognise the need for accurate vocabulary in academic writing
- understand how to use particular items of the AWL in academic writing
- avoid common errors in word choice
- choose appropriate vocabulary from the AWL and apply it to your writing
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
Listening Skills
- Unit 13
- recognise the purpose of listening for academic study
- identify your own weaknesses as a listener
- employ key listening skills appropriately
- apply listening skills to enhance note-taking
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
- Unit 14
- recognise the purpose of listening critically
- understand and apply the key skills involve in listening critically
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
Reading Skills
- Unit 15
- recognise the purpose of reading for academic study
- identify some factors affecting reading ability
- understand the processes involved in reading
- choose and apply appropriate reading processes
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
- Unit 16
- recognise the purpose of two key reading techniques: skimming and scanning
- understand how to use the two key reading techniques
- choose and apply the two reading techniques appropriately
- develop strategies to navigate a text for efficient reading
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
- Unit 17
- recognise the purpose of a reading technique: scrutinising (reading for detail)
- understand how to scrutinise a text effectively
- identify features of a text to help you scrutinise efficiently
- employ scrutinising in your reading
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
- Unit 18
- recognise the purpose of reading critically
- understand and apply the key skills involved in reading critically
- select and practise online material relevant to your needs
Each component constitutes 25% of the overall score:
- Graded: Knowledge of Writing
- Graded: Listening Skills Assessment
- Graded: Reading Skills Assessment
- Written Essay
The graded quizzes and written essay determines your performance in this course (i.e. pass or fail). A pass in SDE101 is 75%. Scores are classified as follows:
- Pass: 75–100%
- Fail: Below 75%
Find Us
Singapore University of Social Sciences
463 Clementi Road
Singapore 599494
Email: unilearn@suss.edu.sg
© 2021 Singapore University of Social Sciences. All rights reserved.
Registered: 4 June 2016 - 3 June 2022